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Quality Products and Persistance:
The Sam Colt Story

Consider the experience of Sam Colt, the inventor of the amazing revolving gun that tamed the Wild West, revolutionized warfare, and altered the course of world history.

Sam Colt had invented the weapon generations of men had yearned for. Yet, he was going to find that men were so blind, so totally lacking in good sense and imagination, that they would not recognize the value of his revolver even when it was demonstrated to them.

Sam learned the Virginia Militia was preparing to buy a large order of pistols and muskets. He hurried to the commanding officer to demonstrate his pistol, with which he was a dead shot.

When the commanding officer refused to see him, Sam was stunned. As he stood at the receptionist's desk, wondering what his next step should be, the officer passed Sam as he was leaving his office.

"Sir," the young man said earnestly, "I have a multiple shot firearm that would make Virginia's Militia the best armed fighting force in the world!"

Nonsense! was the brisk answer. Sam followed the officer outside to where a hack was waiting. But, sir, if you will only examine the gun. "I haven't time to waste." Sam took the revolver from his pocket and sighted it on a fence post across the street, about 100 feet away. He proceeded to empty the revolver into the post in less than 4 seconds, each shot pounding true into the wood. Through the roar of gunfire, the post quivered under the roar impact of lead.

The officer was too stupid to be impressed. "If you ever repeat the performance, I'll have you arrested," he snapped. The hack lurched down the road and Sam was left standing alone and bewildered, seemingly defeated by idiotic arrogance. Sam returned to his room and as he stared at the ceiling that night, gradually his self-confidence began to return to him. He resolved to devote all his time and energy to promoting his revolvers.

Not long after this, the United States Government finally got around to testing the Colt revolvers. An august body of seven high-ranking officers examined the revolvers at length and tested them on their West Point firing range. The Army's final analysis concluded: "from its complicated character, its liability to accident and other faults, it is entirely unsuitable to the general purposes of military service."

A colonel in the group later clearly illustrated his ignorance when he voiced his private opinion. "It's a clever little gadget, but for real fighting, it could never stack up to the good old musket with buck and ball and a full powder load!"

The Navy tested the gun independently and came away with the same conclusion: "Useless as a weapon. It will never work." If possible, the Navy went one step beyond the Army in lunacy. Sam had recently perfected a waterproof cartridge, the first in existence, which the Naval authorities considered an "interesting novelty."

Two groups of fighting men realized the utility of the revolver. These were men who spent a great deal of time battling for their lives, rather than lunch tables in Washington's crowded restaurants as did the desk-bound military dilettantes.

Colonel William Harney's command in Florida was being wiped out by the shrewd, hard-hitting Seminoles. The Colonel managed to swing a deal to buy four dozen of Sam's revolving rifles. He and his men considered them a godsend.

The Texas Rangers, a new law-enforcement agency in the Southwest, fighting Mexicans, Apaches, Commanches, and an assortment of outlaws was attempting to defend the Republic of Texas. Sam Walker, a Ranger Captain, was sent to purchase all the Colt revolvers he could get his hands on.

Sam later sold 10,000 revolvers to Russia and 10,000 to Turkey.

Sam's persistence eventually paid off! Likewise due to our persistence at Weather-Bos™ we know that: Our Time Has Come!

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